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Problems with name_firstupdate, error no matter what

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:27 pm
by ChaosFox
Hello there, first post and stuff- :D

Well, first of all, I can say I've been interested in this project since a while ago, but sadly I've had plenty of issues at even getting past the domain registration stage. Right now I tried again, registering a new domain and it always fails, giving an "error: {"code":-1,"message":"name_firstupdate <name> <rand> [<tx>] <value>\nPerf
orm a first update after a name_new reservation.\nNote that the first update will go into a block 12 blocks after the name_new, at the soonest."}" error. So I assume I'm either using the wrong syntax, or for some reason my name_new isn't working? :( And yes, I did wait ~100 blocks before trying again Here's a slightly altered paste of the very exact parameters I'm using:
namecoind name_firstupdate d/extremelyweirddude 55ba906c2a541067 '{"map": {"": ""}}'
Any help would be appreciated. :)

Re: Problems with name_firstupdate, error no matter what

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:56 pm
by khal
If you are on windows, do :

Code: Select all

namecoind name_firstupdate d/extremelyweirddude 55ba906c2a541067 "{\"map\": {\"\": \"\"}}"
You can use this to convert to the right format :

Re: Problems with name_firstupdate, error no matter what

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:20 pm
by ChaosFox
Doh, escaping characters, why didn't I think of this before? :oops: I feel like an idiot now, it's a miracle I passed Algorithms & Programming and Operative Systems, it seems... Thanks for the help, seems like indeed it worked. 8-)

Re: Problems with name_firstupdate, error no matter what

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:51 pm
by khal
Escaping is not the real issue, but windows and cmd.exe that does not accept the ' char as a separator. I forgive you, using windows will by your penitence :p